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About Us

Our Mission

We cook because we believe, now more than ever, that we have a responsibility to lift-up the most vulnerable members of our communities. Our chefs come together in our kitchens to share their stories through healthy, delicious meals that are served to the food insecure in communities across New York City

Birthed out of a need to feed the most vulnerable during the height of the pandemic in New York City, The Migrant Kitchen Initiative started out as a small group of restaurant industry friends wanting to make the most of their time and food reserve while the city went on pause.

What began as meals for friends and family in a pinch quickly grew into New York’s largest restaurant quality active cooking operation during the pandemic, serving nearly 10,000 meals a day to food insecure communities across the city.

As the hunger crisis continued to worsen it had become clear that services like ours were needed now more than ever. Our work continued to evolve with 1 single mission - providing access to healthy meals to anyone in need. 

With almost 4 million meals served since 2020, we are continuing to mobilize the hospitality workforce, we are determined to feed as many people as possible. Because no one goes hungry on our watch.

100% of all funds donated goes towards feeding the hungry.

Private donors cover all of our operating expenses which allows 100% of all funds donated to go towards feeding those in need. 

Join us and make an impact today.

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